Wednesday 12 December 2012

Agnes Decourchelle is a living illustrator that uses colour pencils to make her illustration in an interesting way. She was graduated from the Ecole Nationale Superieure des Arts Decoratifs in Paris (Illustration) 1997-2001,and the Royal College of Art in London. (Master of ArtCommunication Art and Design) 2001-2003.At the movement she is a drawing teacher at Pre’art and illustrator at Free Lance. She also worked for magazines and trends publicity like Mark & Spencer.

                                                                                 I like this image because it’s just a simple face of a lady, but just by adding the lights and details on her face by the colour pencils makes the image look much eye catching. She used all shades of colour pencils, she use blocks of colours to highlight a colour or to create shadow. The eyes, nose and lips were sketched in detailed, as its draws attention in the centre of the face. Colours Yellow on the right side of the face was used to create shadow.  However she used blue purple and red for the hair depending on the light reflection.  This image could create a summer feeling as per her use of colour (yellows and white.)                                                          

I like Agnes Decourchelle’s work because she has the ability to make even the smaller or simplest thing look much attractive by just using colour pencils. Without any previous sketch she directly draws out the illustration with the colour pencils giving all this details, shadows, light etc. The colours she uses to create a feeling and make the pictures alive/eye catching makes me want to create my own pieces of art work based on this same technique.